Monday, February 16, 2015

Valentines Day

Scott and I are probably two of the cheesiest people you'll ever meet. Those of you who know us well would most definitely agree. We love doing small gestures for each other that can be as small as a sticky note left on the steering wheel, to a surprise dinner out. Or even participating in the cheesy #StarbucksDate campaign. Hey - who can turn down a warmed chocolate chip cookie?!

Usually we go all out for Valentines Day. There are almost always flowers involved, dinner out somewhere and all of that Hallmark holiday pizzazz. This year we changed it up a bit and kept things super low key. It's been a busy year for both of us and this baby-making business is no joke so my energy level has been anything but normal.

Saturday Morning I woke up early and cooked up a surprise breakfast made of fresh berries, a home made chocolate milk mocha and a couple of these delicious and healthy Banana Chocolate Chip pancakes from Skinny Taste. Side note - I need pancake molds because I attempted heart shaped pancakes and that just wasn't pretty...

Seriously if you haven't checked out Gina's blog or purchased her new cookbook I highly recommend it. There was no sugar in the batter so the only sugar used would be in the chocolate chips and syrup should you choose top them. Honestly they didn't need anything because the banana added a sweet taste. I only did peanut butter on top with a small drizzle of syrup but next time I won't top them at all. Scott of course had a pile of syrup and whip cream. Why not?!

In the afternoon we ventured out to Home Depot, Costco and my all time favorite-- Target! Scott sure knows the way to my heart. Plus who on earth has ever been able to go in to Target without coming out having found one or 10 things you love. We found a new kitchen rug (on clearance SCORE), and a lamp shade for my recently busted table lamp (oops). I also tried on my first pair of maternity pants which made me quickly realize how much I really need them and how comfortable they are.

After a fancy dinner from Taco Time we came home to watch Lets Be Cops, indulged in candy and enjoyed these delicious Cupid Floats.

Assemble just as a you would a root beer float then drink using the licorice as a straw. So yummy and the perfect valentines treat!

What's your favorite Valentine's Day tradition? How do you celebrate with your loved ones?

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