Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Happy New Year!!

I can't believe it's already New Year's Eve. I mean seriously how did we get from Thanksgiving, to Christmas, to NYE in what feels like the blink of an eye?! We had a wonderful Christmas and I'm excited to welcome a new year. I hope you are as well!

2014 was a great year, there were some hard times, but even more great times and tons of memories were made. I grew professionally and did my best to enjoy each moment as it happened. This year I finally finished by Bachelor's degree, traveled to tons of fun places with my work, met hundreds of awesome people and made new friends while kindling old friendships. Scott started a new career that was a scary move for our family but we haven't looked back since and he's doing so well. It's so much fun seeing your hubby successful. I couldn't be more proud of him.

Scott and I won't do much this evening, we've never been big NYE party animals, I get nervous being out so late on a dangerous evening, plus tonight it's suppose to be freezing so I know we're not missing much! Instead, we'll go over to my Aunt and Uncle's and ring in the new year with Baked Ziti, garlic bread, and family. My Aunt and Uncle are both now retired and are headed down to Yuma Arizona in a few days and will be gone for 3-4 months so we're sure going to miss them and want to soak up as much time as possible before they go.

I've started to notice that more people seem to be cheerful and happy on New Year's Eve vs. Christmas. Perhaps there is less stress and more time for self reflection that makes people more relaxed and excited? Whether you had your best year yet, one of your worst or one that's in between, it's exciting to start a clean slate and begin a new story. While I normally set New Years Resolutions, this year I'm not. Instead I'm setting goals that are obtainable and specific.

First thing on my list - purging. I'm ready to go through closets, my pantry, our garage and every other nook and cranny and get rid of stuff that we don't need or use. Almost two years of marriage has caused an excess of lots of stuff that we just don't need! I don't plan to do it all in one day, because that's what I usually plan and well that hasn't gotten me far! Instead I'm going to follow this #ClutterFree30 challenge in January --

Here's a list of other things I want to shoot for in 2015:
  • Blog more
  • Finally hang wedding pictures (oops)
  • Continue nightly cleaning routines to make weekends more enjoyable
  • Be present
  • Continuously self improve
  • Worry less
  • Laugh more

What do you want to do in 2015? What are you most looking forward to?

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