Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Weight Loss: Tools & Resources

After my latest weight loss themed post I've gained a lot of new readers and a lot of people in similar positions reach out to me for tips, ideas and encouragement. It means more than y'all know to hear that I'm motivating you! Believe me, it's the other way around!!

So I don't have all the ideas because like you I'm still learning too, but here's a few of my favorite gadgets, gizmos, apps, and resources:

FitBit - This little bracelet is super helpful to track how active or in some cases not active you are during the day. You can follow friends and challenge each other to get up and move more which is extra fun if you're competitive like me! One thing to remember with this, if you're doing heavy lifting or a gym workout, you may not get nearly as many steps as your friend that's an avid runner. Don't let that get you down, any activity is good activity!

Polar FT4 Heart Rate Monitor -This is my FAVORITE work out tool. You wear the monitor just under your chest and the watch on your arm then get on with your workout. During your workout you can track your heart rate (perfect for those HIIT workouts or those that are focused more on weight training then cardio) and the best part is seeing how many calories your body burned at the end. I push myself so much harder with this little do-dad.

MyFitnessPal Site & App - Great resource for tracking your food and water intake, your activity and also to stay accountable. I follow and am followed by a few friends on here which makes me more inclined to track and less inclined to eat that doughnut I really want!

Map My Walk & Map My Run - Walk your pup often? Going on runs at night but want to track your distance? This free app is great for tracking distance, pace and time. My favorite feature is that every mile you go you get an update on your distance, time and pace.

Community - Don't try to go at this alone. Weight loss, fitness and changing your lifestyle is NOT easy. Find friends who are going after similar goals or maybe join a workout class at your gym and start connecting with people that way! I love the community I've built with this blog and it's always helpful to have someone to share recipes and ideas with!

Family Support - Get your spouse, family, close friends and those who you call "family" on board with your goals. It's much easier to make healthy decisions when you've expressed your goals and your family wants to help you get there. It's also easier to explain to your hubby why there aren't anymore chips or unhealthy snacks in the pantry! :)

Journal - Write stuff down. Share your thoughts and keep track of how you're feeling. I use my blog as a journal but you can go to Target and get a $3 notebook if that's more comfortable!

Food Scale - Find one of these bad boys on amazon and start weighing your food. Every wonder what 4 oz. of Chicken really is? Food scales speed up and take the guessing out of food prep.

Tupperwear - Going to prep your meals? You need good Tupperware that will hold up to lots of washes! I have 8-10 Tupperware style containers I use for food prep. It's nice to have enough that you can prep for a whole weak and still have some left over.

Egg Genie - You may notice you've been eating a lot of eggs, or perhaps you're like me and just love hard boiled eggs but hate boiling them. Enter Egg Genie. My mother-in-law got this handy gadget for me as a bridal shower gift a couple of years ago and I use it all the time! There is seriously no easier way to boil eggs!

Water Bottle - You should always be drinking LOTS of water and the best way to do that is to find and stick with a water bottle you love. Personally, I love the Starbucks drink tumblers with a straw. I seem to drink way more water with a straw than if I'm using a bottle. Invest in a great water bottle (or 6 if you're like me) and drink up!

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