Sunday, August 2, 2015

39 Week Update

Somehow it's August, which means we can officially say that this month we're having a baby!!! I cannot believe how fast the last 38 weeks have flown by, but now I know what they mean when they say the last month drags on. I've been patient up until this week, but we're really eager to meet our baby girl! Earlier in our pregnancy our monthly check-ups seemed to come and go in no time, now it's like waiting for a year to go by just to get to our next weekly appointment.

There are so many emotions I'm feeling right now. I'm anxious, nervous, scared, happy, reminiscent, and mostly just over the moon excited for what's coming our way. We're officially going to have our own little family and I know this little girl will be the PERFECT addition. What scares me the most about this wild new adventure we're about to start is that I have no idea whats to come. I know that my heart will be filled with a new kind of love I've never felt before, I know that I'm going to fall more in love with my husband seeing him hold his baby girl, and I know we're going to be more exhausted and sleep deprived than any other time in our life. I couldn't be more thankful to experience parenthood with Scott, he is truly my best friend and I know he's going to be the best Daddy.

These last few weeks we've been doing a lot. Some related to baby and some just random projects that suddenly sounded like they HAD to get done. I'm telling you ladies (and gentleman too) that nesting is a real thing and it is NO JOKE. I literally will be sitting at home and suddenly have an urge to clean out the fridge, organize my spice cabinet, rewash bedding, or vacuum the entire house. If you know me, you probably know that I'm not one who enjoys cleaning so for me to have a desire to vacuum means that I'm proof nesting is real. The good news is, thanks to my nonstop nesting we have a pretty darn organized home, a finished nursery (post to come soon), cleaned cars, and who knows what will be next!

Walking and bouncing on the yoga ball have been a couple of my favorite things. Walking has been a daily routine of ours since I started feeling like intense gym work outs just weren't going to happen anymore and I really think its what has helped me continue to feel good even at 39 weeks. I haven't had any long standing back pain, my feet and hands aren't swollen and my energy has been fairly steady given how far along I am. If you're pregnant, or planning to become pregnant in the future I can't urge you enough to stay active! Don't use this time to become a couch potato, you'll thank yourself later and I've heard it helps make birth and postpartum recovery easier.

Here are a few fun questions that I did in my 24 week update. I thought I'd repeat them now that we're at the end (or close).

Maternity clothes? Yep.. Pretty much convinced that at this point I'm going to have to re-learn how to button up and zip regular jeans. Or perhaps I'll just take up shop in yoga pants for awhile. ;)

Sleep: I was starting to think that pregnancy insomnia was a made up thing, but it's hit me. I feel tired about 10pm, then go up to go to bed and am suddenly wide awake until about midnight or 1am most mornings, then of course it's hard to get out of bed in the morning. I think my body is just trying to prepare me for the crazy sleep schedule I'm about to have!

Best moment this week: Going to Target to walk around since it's so darn hot out and scoring a BRAND NEW $140 Graco highchair for $33 after the mark downs and my cartwheel coupon. Can you say BARGAIN?

Miss anything? Seeing my feet, being able to go 2 hours without eating and sleeping through the night without having to get up 4 times to run to the bathroom!

Food cravings: Taco Bell, but I've stayed strong and have only given in one time. I've been trying really hard these last 9.5 months to eat healthy, but these last couple of weeks I've really been craving junk foods like Taco Bell, ice cream and crispy M&Ms.
Symptoms: I still consider myself lucky in this department. Pregnancy has been so much fun and I think that's partially because I haven't had a ton of symptoms that most women get. Lately I've been getting a lot of heartburn and this heat is really taking it's toll, but otherwise I'm feeling good. I am definitely starting to get tired a lot easier than I use to but staying active has seemed to help. We're up to two walks a day now just to hopefully move things a long and avoid going too far over due.
Have you started to show yet? No hiding this bump, in fact it's hard to remember what I looked like without it!
Wedding rings on or off? Still on! I haven't had any issues with swelling thanks to my love for water! ;)

Happy or Moody most of the time? Happy

Looking forward to: Finally meeting our baby girl!

Stay tuned, nursery post to come soon!

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