I am not easily surprised for multiple reasons. I like to be included in the planning of everything, and I'm not good with the "unknown" so surprising me is no easy task. Well my wonderful Husband and Mom were able to conquer the nearly impossible and threw me the most amazing surprise graduation party last month.
A few weeks ago I
finished my bachelors degree and while it was a long time coming and totally unconventional compared to the "traditional" path of a four year degree, I finished and I was excited to celebrate. Scott and I picked a date to host a BBQ with my family and a few friends in October. It was going to be low key, low maintenance and really just an excuse to get together with my favorite people. Well about halfway through my final quarter my Mom and Scott asked that I let them take care of the details and focus on school and upcoming work travel.
Thankfully I got swallowed up by the final weeks of school and prepping for a busy travel month and forgot all about the plans. Then came the final days of school and a week of Birthdays. Fun fact: Scott, my sister-in-law Brittany and I have our birthday's on three consecutive days in September-- the 17th, 18th and 19th. So because of this we always share our "birthday dinner" and this year planned to go to a fancy Italian restaurant near by and even thought it would be fun to dress up.
The night of the dinner we were on our way to the restaurant when I got a call from my Dad that the they had lost our reservation and the wait was over 35 minutes. My family is a lot of things but we are definitely NOT patient, so we decided to venture over to Farrelli's for our favorites --Firesticks, pizza and beer.
Scott and I arrived and were told that our party grew quite a bit and they were swamped, so we'd have to go across to their separate dining room. He sort of gave a bit of the surprise away but I still only thought that maybe my Mom had invited my Aunts to join the fun. Boy was I wrong!!
Scott walked me into a room full of my very favorite people. They yelled surprise and left me speechless (not normal for me at all). I had no idea what to say or do as I was trying to take it all in. There was a room full of my favorite people all there to celebrate with me! It was a wonderful feeling but if you've ever been the center of a surprise party you can understand when I say you just don't know what to do next! I greeted everyone with great big hugs and was so excited to start celebrating.
This is my "you guys knew and didn't tell me" face. |
The food was delicious and there was plenty of Fireball for all. Except I forgot that part and drank most of it myself. I just figured that since I missed out on the four year college experience of college parties I would fully enjoy my graduation party. ;)
You may think it is silly to celebrate finishing a degree this late in life but one thing about my family is we love to plan parties and can always find a reason to celebrate. Plus my Mom loves to plan parties and always has the best decorations.
THANK YOU to everyone who came out to celebrate with me. It is because of all of you that I made it through the last two years. It means a lot to have such a great support system. I also have to send a heartfelt and sincere thank you to my Mom and Husband who made that night happen. From the decorations to day of preparation, you did amazing and I am so thankful for you both. My first surprise party was one I won't soon forget (despite the Fireball).
Here's a few more pictures from the fun, along with a series of Fireball induced selfies...
Mom and I have a very special bond. |
Gunnar gets pretty into pictures! |
I had the cutest helpers when I opened up my gifts. |
Yep, another shot. This time with my other best friend Jenni. :) |
My Mom, Uncle Bob, Aunt Teresa and Jenni. Love those four! |
Loved the candy pops Mom and Britt made! |
Ramona and Molly, two of my Mom's greatest friends and mine too! |
My brother Nick doesn't do selfies but I wouldn't take no for an answer! |
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