And I have to share this picture because out of all my maternity clothes, that tank is my favorite! I ordered it from Etsy and will be perfect for this Summer!
The Nursery.
Our nursery is well under way, we built her crib one night last week, assembled her dresser and crib and got her closet almost complete! I wanted to add more storage in there along with a second bar for hanging things so we went on a hunt for a closet organizer but ended up settling for a cube storage shelf from Target. It was only $40 vs. $240 and will work great now and when little miss gets a bit older.
Ok super cheesy moment coming, so you've been warned. Putting the nursery furniture together with Scott was so much fun! We kept looking at each other with these big smiles thinking about our little one sleeping soundly (we hope) in there in just a few months. Even Lucy had fun!
It's hard to believe how fast time has gone, but everything we're doing these days makes it all feel more real. She is just going to love her room!
Some other exciting happenings... We've officially scheduled our maternity and newborn photographer. We selected Christina Mae Photography after seeing her work through some friends that had their photos done by her. She really captures emotion and the way she uses light is so beautiful. We're excited to have her capture these memories for us! Next step- pick outfits to wear. That has to be like the second hardest thing to pick after you've selected a photographer! ;)
One word- overwhelming. But right after that comes exciting! We actually took two days to register, mostly because the night before day 1 Scott came down with a nasty bug. Although he tried to power through the day I could tell eh was miserable and I really wanted the day to be fun for him too. So we knocked off some big items then called it a day. The next time we went he was way more cheerful and we had a blast. It was exhausting, and the rest of the night we mostly relaxed on the couch with our feet up but it's so fun thinking about the stuff we'll need once baby girl is here!
I think the most overwhelming part of the whole experience was the number of options Baby's R' Us has. There had to have been 30 different kinds of strollers, 10 different pack and plays, 10 different high-chairs and a million different types of diapers and wipes. We ended up just trying to test each big purchase as much as we could and picked what we liked best. Everything has to meet the same safety standards so we decided reviews wouldn't be as helpful as just trying it out!
Once we get some parenting under our wings, if we love what we selected I'm sure I'll blog more about them in hopes of helping another future momma some day!
Scott even had to purchase his favorite book from his childhood so he can start reading to her. He was so excited, it was heart warming to watch him light up over some of the things we selected. Love that guy so much and am so excited to see him become a Daddy!
Here's the monthly down low...
Maternity clothes? Is there anything else?! Love feeling comfortable in my clothes and I think it's super important for any other preggo Mommas out there as well. Your body changes so much that some days you can feel very self-conscious. Having clothes that fit well and make you look pregnant vs. over stuffed is definitely helpful!
Sleep: I've been sleeping ok despite multiple trips to the bathroom at night. The pregnancy pillow is still my life saver along with regular prenatal yoga. I usually wake up feeling ok but can tell I'm starting to get more and more hip and lower back pain when I'm in bed too long!
Best moment this week: Scott feeling her kick for the first time! His face was priceless and I know it's starting to feel even more real to him now. We also got to see her kick so hard the other night that it moved my belly. Seriously, that feeling is the best ever.
Miss Anything? Coffee.... Real, caffeinated coffee.
Food cravings: Still loving ketchup on everything that it can go on (without being gross), eggs and avocados.
Symptoms: I have been so lucky and haven't had many ailments. I definitely get tired a lot easier than I use to but staying active has seemed to help. I've also noticed the varicose veins in my legs are back which is a bummer but she'll be worth it!
Have you started to show yet: Yep - no hiding this baby bump!
Wedding rings on or off? Still on!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy
Looking forward to: Our birthing class and decorating the nursery